Order online and save up to 47% off on cigar cases. From smaller, pocket sized holders to larger cedarlined humidors, you can rest assured your cigars will be always be at hand with these cigar travel cases from. Personalized black leather 3 cigar travel case engraved. They are made of leather, wood, metal, carbon, plastic or a combination of these materials and were designed to transport a small number of cigars. The pockets are built of a fabric mesh to allow some air and moisture flow within the case. Made of luxurious imported black italian leather, this travel cigar case stores and protects up to three cigars at once. Protect your favorite churchill, robusto or corona cigars in style with a reasonably priced cigar cases from visol. The xikar cigar envoy holds three cigars up to 60ring gauge each, keeping any cigar safe with a modern style all its own.
A genuine cuir leather roll style foldover and snap watch travel case to store and protect your luxury watch in style. This watch travel case is made of black leatherette with beautiful decorative white stitching. Mantello brown leather cedar wood lined travel cigar carrying case with. This personalized black leather cigar case is the perfect cigar case to have on you at all times. Amancy classic black leather 3 fingers cigar case with cedar wood. Xikar envoy cigar cases because the finest cigar in the world is worthless after being crushed in your pocket, xikar now ensures you can protect your investment in full style. See more ideas about leather cigar case, cigar cases and leather. Shop intica single watch black leather cigar style travel case free delivery free returns on eligible orders. Cohiba leather 3 tube cigar case fine embossed leather, black and brand new, elegant. Our line of travel cigar humidors feature compact designs with convenient highlights like snap tight lids, carrying handles and smoking accessories.
Rennes brown croco leather travel humidor holds 5cigar case. Etsy is the home to thousands of handmade, vintage, and oneofakind products and gifts related to your search. Linkidea cigar case, 2 pack stainless steel carrying cigar box, single cigar. Visol products vcase500 rennes leather cigar case, black. Shop travel cases, leather cases, cigar boxes, and tubes. Because in this section, you will find an array of travel humidors and travel cases that will house between 540 cigars. A cleverly designed interior draw ensures your watch is securely held in place at all times, and the soft velveteen lining means your watch is kept safe from scratches. Cohiba croco leather travel humidor nearest gift shop its an exclusive. In this style of case the suede on the pen tubes needs to be protected from the friction fit outer cover. A cigar carried in a cigar case does not loose the humidity as fast and the cigar. Cigar cases best cigar prices premium cigars for less. Check out our leather cigar case selection for the very best in unique or. Weve designed this collection of cigar accessories to cater to the aficionado that loves quality products to increase the enjoyment of a fine cigar. Siena cigar case leather vegetabletanned leather cigar holder for tuscanstyle.
For those cigar lovers on the go, adorini offers a fantastic lineup of quality cigar cases ideal for almost any occasion. This black leather is called dyed through shoulder the black dye goes all of. Get free shipping on qualified cigar cases products or buy cigar accessories products today with buy online pick up. Select if you prefer a different font from the style that appears above. Cigar cases uk leather pouches cigarette holders hh.
Amancy 3 holders genuine leather cigar case with silver stainless steel cutter,packed with 4. The cigar case exterior is a topgrain, armada leather with contrast stitching, covering a crush proof metal case structure, with an interior lining of genuine spanish cedar. This watch travel case is made of genuine cuir leather with detailed contrasting white thread handstitched along the edges. It is handsome and keeps your cigars from the elements as well as from breaking.
Hotline buy online here with our lowest price guarantee at humidordiscount and save. As a result, cigar cases have evolved quite a bit in style and features. This product is good for travelers as it is portable, convenient and practical. The deminsions of the travel cigar humidor are 7 14 w x 10 34 d x 1 12 h.
Each envoy cigar case holds one, two or three cigars up to 54ring gauge each, keeping any smoke safe with a modern style all its own. The watch case has a soft white velvet interior and a 7cm pillow suitable for both small and oversize watches. Cigar cases are the best solution for cigar storage when on the move. Galiner cigar humidor case, cedar wood portable cigar travel leather humidor. Compact fine grain leather travel cases rapport london. Imprint onto a leather cigar the recipients name or initials in gold or silver for a memorable finish. Cuban crafters cuba travel cigar case black leather 3 fingers. Cigar accessories offers this 2 cigar black leather case to help protect your stogies on the go. Cigar accessories offers this black leather cigar case travel humidor that is perfect for taking your cigars on the road with you. And while all manner of cigar cases exist in a variety of different sizes and materials, one particularly elegant option to consider is the peter james leather aficionado case.
Puro prestige leather cigar travel case original leather. Quite a few cigar cases we offer have cedar lining inside to keep the freshness and aroma of the tobacco wrapper. This travel sized cigar case holds everything they need to enjoy a smooth smoke when the mood strikes them. Cigar accessories cigar cases page 1 cuban crafters. The case is made of black saffiano leather and holds up to twelve 7 x 54 sized cigars, six in each pocket. Travel cigar cases are great for keeping your cigars both humidified and safe while on the road. Shop intica single watch brown leather cigar style travel case free delivery free returns on eligible orders. Visol sells wholesale and dropships genuine leather cigar cases at wholesale prices to qualified retailers.
Beautiful workmanship with detailed contrasting white thread stitching. See more ideas about cigar cases, cigars, leather cigar case. Dedicated pockets hold a multitude of cigar and other accessories, from lighters, cutters, and matches to spaces for the likes of your passport, and some limited humidification options, such as a small boveda. Simply pressing the center button on the edge will open the case revealing a mahogany lined interior with a leather pouch for cigar storage on one side and a convenient cigar cutter on the other. The sturdy case is designed to keep your watch safe from any bumps, and the genuine grain leather covering gives our travel cases a luxurious look which is super soft to the touch.
Theyre built to last, with every case painstakingly inspected to ensure the consumer receives the class of product they expect. Visol genuine leather cigar cases engraving offered. Cigarism brown genuine leather cigar travel holder case 2. We have a full range of cigar cases made from genuine leather, cigar pouches and a number of cigar and cigarette holders for sale. Black leather single travel tie case genuine leather compact design with snap closure keeps tie from wrinkling while you travel 3 x 4. Cigar cases top quality, hand stitched leather cigar. Colibri announces leather travel cigar case explorer. Loaded with everything you need for the course and the clubhouse, this innovative threeinone case is the ultimate accessory. Fitting in your briefcase, it will easily hold up to 10 cigars. Shop our wide selection of leather cigar accessories 18554430194.
When choosing the right case for your purpose, the following criteria s. Leather cigar cases make the perfect travel accessory for any avid smoker, keeping your finest cigars safe within luxury, highquality leather cases. The expanding telescopic case accommodates up to three cigars. Watch travel cases watch storage box leather watch case. The puro prestige cigar travel cases are constructed using high quality leather with an ostrich skin style finish, giving them a ruggedyetelegant feel. Cigar cases buy cigar accessories online jr cigars. Leather cigar case, including cutter set, leather traveling cigar case 3 tubes humidor box, packed by nice gift box black.
The cigar travel case comes with a stainless steel cigar cutter that fit your cigar size dimensions. Get free shipping on qualified leather cigar accessories products or buy kitchen products today with buy online. Personalized cigar travel case, cigar holder leather cigar case, custom. Leather cigar cases genuine top grain leathers elighters. Leather cigar case, including cutter set, leather traveling cigar. Purchase a wide range of cigar cases and cigar holders from james j. From smaller, pocket sized holders to larger cedarlined humidors, you can rest assured your cigars will be always be at hand with these cigar travel cases from cigar. The puro prestige cigar travel cases are constructed using high quality leather with an ostrich skinstyle finish, giving them a ruggedyetelegant feel. And for maximum enjoyment, the 3ounce flask houses your drink of choice we recommend rum. Optional fonts can only be seen by clicking the font choices icon below. Colibri group announced the new colibri explorer, a leather travel casehumidor with a protective tightseal zipper. Intica single watch brown leather cigar style travel case. Black leatherette hard shell cigar style watch travel case. Xikar envoy cognac brown leather single cigar tube case.
Black leather single travel tie case with snap closure. Forbes lifestyle the cigar lovers cigar case the final product, the aficionado, seems to handle every need for the average cigar smoker. Buy visol products vcase500 rennes leather cigar case, black. This travel humidor has a slide out bed that holds up to 6 60ring gauge cigars. Cuban crafters isla pocket humidor hard cigar case black leather black denim 3 cigars. One of the favorites is the adorini genuine leather cigar case for 2 double coronas, which offers luxurious, highquality leather, impeccable craftsmanship and alluring style. Buy cigar cases to easily carry in pockets and more while onthego. A black humidifier is included with the cigar travel case.
A blessed week, cigar cases, leather projects, offset, leather craft, cigars, one pic. Peter james leather aficionado case cigar aficionado. Jr cigars carries a great selection of classic leather cigar cases, while also providing the more exotic storage containers that can be found in crocodile and shark skin. Wholesale leather cigar travel cases prestige import group. The cigar case will protect and organize all your cigars and cigar accessories for shorthaul or longdistance trips. Cigar style case in turquoise and black commission. Amancy premium brown leather cigar travel case humidor wcutter lighter set. For a custom cigar case for a loved one, we recommend one of our engravable stainless steel cigar cases or even a leather cigar case with imprinting. Cigar case personalized, black leather cigar case engraved, groomsmen gift. We offer leather cigar cases in variety of styles that can hold two to six cigars at time. Its a hard shell cigar style watch case with soft beige velvet interior to give your watch maximum protection. This makes a great gift for any cigar aficionado that you know. Arnoldo black leather crushproof cigar case with interior cedar lining.
No matter what youre looking for or where you are in the world, our global marketplace of sellers can help you find unique and affordable options. The german stainless steel cutter blades give you an exact cut. Black leather cigar case travel humidor cigar accessories. Intica single watch black leather cigar style travel case. Cases and tubes obviously serve to transport a few cigars safely in your luggage or in clothing. Protect your cigar investment in full style with a wide selection of cigar cases. This is why you need to find a cigar case that will fit your style, while keeping your smoke fresh and ready to go at a moments notice. High to low az za oldest to newest newest to oldest best selling.